ATB General Commands Module
Alan Benson -- your host
Alan Benson -[write project] -[edit text] -[develop web things]
Alan Benson is the principal partner of BensonTEXT, a content-development corporation. He was formerly an assistant professor and Director of the Center for Writing Excellence at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC). He is also a technical writer, editor and web developer.
He teaches such subjects as technical writing, digital and contemporary rhetoric, systems thinking, writing center theory, first-year English, and professional writing.
Notable projects
Technology advisor, The Anne Finch Digital Archive. Assisting with the development of collation tools, timelines, multimedia presentation, and other technologies for the digital companion to The Works of Anne Finch: A Critical Edition. Project director: Dr. Jennifer Keith.
Development editor, The Writing Lab Newsletter. Maintaining social media presence and editing Tutor's Column.
Online Writing Center resource site: Wordpress-based collection of resources, best practices, and models for writing centers developing online consultation. In progress.
tweeter.php: Scripts to automatically post to Twitter. Archive available on github (no longer operable due to API fees).
Dissertation: Collaborative Composition and Writing Courses: The Virtual Problem of Context. Committee: Dr. Nancy Myers, chair; Dr. Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater; Dr. Kelly Ritter. Defended May 2012.