Alan Benson
Ph.D., English. Concentration: Rhetoric and Composition. Exam topics: Rhetoric and composition, literary theory, online discourse. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2012.
Graduate Certificate in Women and Gender Studies. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2012.
M.A., English. Concentration: Teaching Composition. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2006.
B.S., Journalism. Boston University, 1992.
Collaborative Authoring and the Virtual Problem of Context in Writing Courses.
Committee: Nancy Myers (Director), Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater, Kelly Ritter, Sara Littlejohn.
Collaborative writing is often deployed by classroom teachers with little consideration of how the act of writing together conflicts with institutions' understanding of students as isolated minds. Using data from a yearlong ethnographic study and interviews with collaborating rhetoric and composition scholars, as well as an analysis of currently available collaborative software, I argue that ignoring context when asking students to collaborate in the classroom results in a simulacrum of collaboration that actually works against many of the liberatory claims found in the scholarship. My project argues that a refocused approach to collaboration as a way of being, rather than as a task to complete, alongside classroom investigations of the material realities of academic collaborative writing, promotes a pedagogy that helps students understand how the context in which they work shapes available working styles.
Writing center pedagogy, collaborative writing, digital rhetorics, online identity formation, ethnography, online writing center development and administration.
Digital Media and Composition, Ohio State University, 2009.
Participated in intensive two-week workshop on multimodal composition and digital book creation using video and e-publishing tools.
Hayes Fellowship, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, university-wide academic merit award with one-year non-service stipend, 2006.
Adjunct Instructor, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2019-2022. Courses taught:
Crafting Your Online Presence, Master's in Applied Arts and Sciences 620, Fall 2020
Portfolio creation course centered on the design, development, and deployment of a personal or professional online portfolio. The rhetorical triangle serves as the central metaphor for the class, which introduces students to both classical rhetorical concepts as well as the basics of design and usability theory.
The Web Is Dark and Full of Memes: Introduction to Internet Studies, Residential College 204, Spring 2020, Fall 2020
Undergraduate course that introduces students to the operations of internet protocols, as well as basic semiotics, memetics, and internet discourse studies.
Digital Capstone, Residential College 390, Spring 2020
Course designed to guide students through the creation of their capstone project, including research methods, ethnographic data collection, scholarly writing, poster creation, and online/multimodal presentation of research. Taught in conjunction with two other instructors.
Systems Thinking, Integrated Professional Studies 302, Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Summer 2022
Survey of systems thinking theory and practice, with an emphasis on community intervention and non-profit project design.
Visiting Assistant Professor, English Department, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2020-2022. Courses taught:
Contemporary Rhetoric, English 305, Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2021, Spring 2022
Speaking- and writing-intensive survey of key theorists and scholarly developments in post-WWII rhetorical studies in the U.S., including special focus on African-American, Latino/Latina, and world rhetorics.
Digital Rhetoric, English 306, Spring 2020, Fall 2021, Spring 2022
Production-focused course centered on students' semester-long investigation of an online or technology-mediated phenomenon. Individual work is supplemented by scholarly readings exploring aspects of the field of internet studies and multimodal rhetoric.
Topics in Rhetoric and Composition, English 363, Fall 2020
Undergraduate course that introduces students to the operations of internet protocols, as well as basic semiotics, memetics, and internet discourse studies.
Adjunct Instructor, Unity College, 2019-2020. Courses taught:
Communication for Environmental Professionals, Professional Studies 510, Fall 2019, Spring 2020
Graduate-level course that helps students develop oral and written communication skills while preparing them to communicate clearly about science, policy, and technology issues with demographically diverse and geographically dispersed audiences.
Communicating to Stakeholders, Communication 303, Fall 2019
Course that teaches students to craft values-based multimodal communications that persuade stakeholders to support social justice issues such as sustainability, environmental law, and wildlife conservation.
Assistant Professor, English Department, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2012-2017. Courses taught:
Writing Center Theory and Practice, English 397, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2015
Course that instructs students on writing center and collaborative learning pedagogies while training them to work one-on-one with writers in the Center for Writing Excellence.
Rhetorics and Technologies, English 313, Fall 2014, Fall 2016
Course theme: User documentation and interface text
Advanced writing/rhetoric course focusing on the creation, editing, and testing of user interface text, manuals, in-app help tools, and helpdesk materials. Students also introduced to usability testing and user-flow documentation.
Issues in Tourism: Jamaica Faculty Led Educational Experience, Fall/Winter 2014/2015
Co-taught course introducing intercultural studies and postcolonial theory to students culminating in a faculty-led study-abroad trip to Jamaica focusing on the tourism industry and its effects on the people and land of the island.
Intensive Blugold Seminar in Critical Reading and Writing, Writing 114
Course themes: Internet Culture (Spring 2014), The Rhetoric of Pranks (Spring 2016, Spring 2017)
Five-credit course introducing critical reading practices and rhetorical approaches to academic writing for students identified as basic writers.
Accelerated Blugold Seminar in Critical Reading and Writing, Writing 118
Course themes: Internet Culture (Fall 2013), The Rhetoric of Pranks (Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Fall 2016)
Two-credit course introducing critical reading practices and rhetorical approaches to academic writing for Honors students, students with AP credit, or high placement scores.
Introduction to College Writing, English 110, Spring 2013
Course theme: Internet Culture
Five-credit course introducing critical reading practices and rhetorical approaches to academic writing for students identified as basic writers.
College Writing for Transfer Students and Advanced Placement Students, English 112, Fall 2012
Course theme: Argumentation Online
Two-credit course introducing critical reading practices and rhetorical approaches to academic writing for students with AP credit.
Graduate Teaching Instructor, English Department, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2007-2012. Courses taught:
English Composition I, English 101, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2011
English Composition II, English 102, Spring 2008, Spring 2010
These courses centered on a semester-long research project in which students craft ethnographic profiles local communities or subcultures. The projects in English Composition II included substantial spoken or audiovisual content.
English Composition I for Non-Native Speakers, English 101N, Fall 2008
Students worked in small, first-language-diverse groups on multimodal projects exploring cultural gaps in understanding of their native countries by American students.
Introduction to Narrative, English 105, Fall 2011
Students read 20th-century American short stories and novels as a means of exploring how authors use the elements of rhetoric to craft narrative arguments.
Artificial Life in Fact and Fiction, Freshman Seminar 115, Fall 2009
Through narratives of the creation of artificial life in Anglo-American literature and current research into artificial intelligence, students argued ethical questions about the definition of life and the primacy of human intelligence.
Writing and Jamming Viral Culture, Residential College 102 and Freshman Seminar 115, Fall 2009, Spring 2010
Drawing upon the psychological conception of the meme and the Situationist détournement, students studied internet fads before creating their own multimodal, potentially viral, works. This course was taught in both residential and non-residential learning communities.
Writing Center Consultant, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2005-2012.
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2020. Courses developed:
Crafting Your Online Presence, Master's in Applied Arts and Sciences 620, Spring 2020
Graduate-level course that guides students in the creation of a rhetorically effective online portfolio of professional or personal work. Developed in conjunction with a marketing and design expert. I will teach this course in Fall 2020.
Modern Warfare, Master's in Applied Arts and Sciences 620, Spring 2020
Graduate-level course that introduces students to key concepts in warfare, identifies changes in conflicts due to scientific developments, and explores how societal and technological change will continue to affect war. Developed in conjunction with military theory experts.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2012-2017. Courses developed:
Rhetorics and Technologies, English 313, Spring 2013
Reworked older "Writing for Expert Audiences" course to focus on technical writing, computer writing, and documentation. Developed in conjunction with other Rhetorics of Science, Technology, and Culture faculty.
Blugold Seminar in Critical Reading and Writing, Writing 114, 116, 118, and 120
Five- and two-credit courses introducing critical reading practices and rhetorical approaches to academic writing for all students at the university. Collaborated with English faculty and outside stakeholders to implement and support course redesign overseen by the Director of Composition and English Department Chair.
Director, Center for Writing Excellence, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2012-2017.
Administered a large writing center and cross-disciplinary writing fellows program staffed by approximately 55 undergraduates and graduate students, an assistant director, and a program assistant. Responsible for training, scheduling, and assessing undergraduate and graduate tutors; maintenance of budget and spending; developing relationships with faculty and administration; creating multimodal training materials for writing across the curriculum/writing in the disciplines program; and supporting faculty writing projects. Between 2012 and 2017, visits to the CWE increased from 1,700 to 2,500 per year.
Graduate Assistant Director, University Writing Center, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Fall 2008.
Assisted with training, scheduling, and assessing consultants; oversaw record-keeping; coordinated interactions with faculty; and managed data-mining of session statistics.
Helped design course sessions, taught several sessions, assisted with assessment, and contributed to the design and creation of visual aids.
Online Writing Center Developer/Consultant, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2006-2012.
Developed a platform for synchronous online consultations using standard instant messaging and document-sharing tools.
"'We Also Offer Online Services at': Althusserian Hails and Online Writing Centers." Southern Discourse in the Center: A Journal of Multiliteracy and Innovation 19.1 (2014): 11-24. Invited lead essay.
"Review: We Have Always Already Been Multimodal: Histories of Engagement with Multimodal and Experimental Composition." College English 77.2 (2014): 165-175. Invited review essay.
Contributing writer. FieldWorking: Reading and Writing Research, 4th edition. Bonnie Sunstein and Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's. 2011.
Contributor to and webmaster for Readings for Racial Justice: A Project of the IWCA SIG on Antiracism Activism. Crowdsourced annotation project published on IWCA website and at
"The Writing Center, Where Writers Meet," Technê Rhêtorikê: Techniques of Discourse for Writers and Speakers, 3rd ed., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 2011. 144-147.
"Researching Rhetorically," Technê Rhêtorikê: Techniques of Discourse for Writers and Speakers, 2nd and 3rd ed., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 2010. With Laurie Lyda. 112-117, 94-98.
Co-editor, Technê Rhêtorikê: Techniques of Discourse for Writers and Speakers (formerly Writing Matters), The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 2008-2010.
Contributing writer. Ad Nauseam: A Survivor's Guide to American Consumer Culture. Eds. Carrie McLaren and Jason Torchinsky. New York: Faber and Faber. 2009.
Contributing writer, The Mac Web Server Book and The MacOS 8 Book, Ventana Media, Chapel Hill, NC, 1996, 1997.
Academic reviewing
Peer reviewer for College English (2013-2017) and Southern Discourse in the Center: A Journal of Multiliteracy and Innovation (2015-2017).
Graduate Research Assistant, The Anne Finch Digital Archive (, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Libraries, 2010-2012.
Assisting with proofreading and TEI coding of poetry and musical scores as part of an NEH-funded critical edition.
Graduate Research Assistant, Curriculum and Instruction Department, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2004.
Collected data on pre-service student teacher readiness through classroom observations and one-on-one interviews.
Development Editor, WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship (formerly The Writing Lab Newsletter), 2011-2017.
Oversaw the journal's digital presence, worked with undergraduate and graduate writers on the Tutor's Column feature, and assisted with proofreading and administration. In 2012 I created and launched a new international blog for the journal, Connecting Writing Centers Across Borders. In 2014, I created and launched WcORD: The Writing Center Online Resource Database, a crowdsourced collection of writing center scholarship, training materials, and other artifacts.
Founder and Principal, BensonText writing, editing, and content development services, Greensboro, NC, 2017-present.
Senior Information Developer, Symantec, Santa Monica, CA, 2001-2003.
Senior Writer, EarthLink, Pasadena, CA, 1997-2000.
Managing Editor, Editor in Chief ad interim, CitySearch, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1996-1997.
Copy Editor/Paginator, The News & Observer, Raleigh, NC, 1995-1996.
Listings Coordinator/Events Editor and Page Designer, Worcester Phoenix, Worcester, MA, 1993-1995
Editor, Quality Matters, Greensboro, NC, 1992-1993.
Contributing writer, Digital Planet,,, and, Los Angeles, CA, 2000-2001.
Copy Editor/Writer, Stay Free! magazine, New York, NY, 1994-1999.
Reporter, Harte-Hanks Community Newspapers, Waltham, MA, 1994-1995.
"Course Design Tour: Systems Thinking." Invited presenter. Adapt 2020: From Remote to Online Learning, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC. June 2020.
"Couches, Plants, Coffeepots, and Multiliteracies: Writing Centers Supporting Multimodal Composition." Invited speaker. Madison Area Writing Center Colloquium, Madison, WI. Oct. 2016.
The Risks and Rewards of Looking Off Campus: College and High School Writing Center Collaboration." Panel organizer and presenter. Midwest Writing Centers Association Conference, Cedar Rapids, IA. Mar. 2016.
"Evolving Writing - Promoting Writing Center Scholarship." Roundtable participant. International Writing Centers Association Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 2015.
"Growing Writing Center Communities Online: New Avenues for Research, Collaboration, and Support." Ignite session presenter. International Writing Centers Association Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 2015.
"Revising a First-Year Writing Program: Technoliteracies within Institutional Contexts." Panel presenter. Computers and Writing Conference, Menomonie, WI. May 2015.
"Imagining a 'Hoop that Never Ends': Building Connections Between College and High School Writing Centers." Panel organizer and presenter. International Writing Centers Association Conference, Orlando, FL. Nov. 2014.
"A Toolkit for Outreach: Universities Supporting the Creation of High School Writing Centers." Panel organizer and presenter. Minnesota Writing and English Conference, April 2014.
"Collaborating on Open Scholarship." Panel co-organizer and presenter. International Writing Centers Association Collaborative at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Indianapolis, IN. March 2014.
"Are Writers Whistling Vivaldi? Empirical Research on the Role of Stereotype Threat in First-Year Composition." Panel co-organizer and presenter. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Indianapolis, IN, Mar. 2014.
"Sharing the Ride: Connecting, Communicating, and Collaborating in the Writing Center." Panel co-organizer and presenter (with graduate and undergraduate students). Midwest Writing Centers Association Conference, Skokie, IL. Oct. 2013.
"The Work We Can't Get Done!: A Roundtable Discussion of Four Directors' Dilemmas." Panel co-organizer and presenter. Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Feb. 2013.
"Inquiry, Energy, and Scholarship: The Writing Center as Nexus of Undergraduate Research." Panel co-organizer and presenter. International Writing Centers Association Conference, San Diego, CA. Oct. 2012.
"Writing Centers Transcending Space: New Theories of the Next-Gen Writing Center." Panel co-organizer and presenter. Southeastern Writing Center Association, Richmond, KY. Feb. 2012.
"Aligning Technology and Philosophy: A Theoretical and Practical Argument for Synchronous Delivery in Online Writing Centers." Panel co-organizer and presenter. Computers and Writing Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. May 2011.
"Meeting Writers When They Are: A Case for the Synchronous Writing Center." Panel co-organizer and presenter. Southeastern Writing Center Association, Tuscaloosa, AL. Feb. 2011.
"Informal Online Discourse as a 'Home' Language: Writing Centers and the Politicized Space of E-Communications." Panel co-organizer and presenter. International Writing Centers Association/National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing Conference, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 2010.
"Getting 'It' Down on Paper: Making a Program's Pedagogy Material." Panel presenter. WPA Conference, Philadelphia, PA. July 2010.
"Informal Online Discourse as a 'Home' Language: Theorizing and Re-Claiming the Demonized Space of Social Networking and Instant Messaging." Panel co-organizer and presenter. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Louisville, KY, Mar. 2010.
"The Machine in the Ghost: Physical Embodiment and Internet Identity." Panel presenter. Canadian Society for the Study of Rhetoric/International Society for the History of Rhetoric. Montreal, Canada, July 2009.
"Digital Discourse and Dialogue: Cultivating Vernacular Agency in Synchronous Online Consultations." Panel co-organizer and presenter. Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference, North Carolina A&T University, Greensboro, NC, Feb. 2009.
"Rhetoricizing Online Writing Centers: A Roundtable Discussion on Using Language to Construct a New Subject Identity for Synchronous Online Writing Centers." Panel co-organizer and presenter. Conference on College Composition and Communication, New Orleans, LA, Mar. 2008.
"Training Consultants and Writers: Altering the Material Reality of Writing Center Work." Panel co-organizer and presenter. Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA, Feb. 2008.
"'Hey You': Writing Centers, Authority, and the Althusserian Hail." Panel co-organizer and presenter. National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, University of Michigan, Nov. 2006.
"The Work We Do Outside the Center: A Roundtable on the Challenges and Opportunities of Community Outreach." Interactive workshop co-organizer and leader (with graduate students). International Writing Centers Association Collaborative at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Las Vegas, NV. Mar. 2013.
"'Coming Clean': Understanding Literacy through Ideological Self-Revelation." Workshop co-organizer and presenter. Expanding Literacy Studies Graduate Student Conference, Ohio State University, Apr. 2009.
"From the Terrestrial to the Virtual: Building a Pedagogical Writing Center Bridge." Workshop presenter. Conference on College Composition and Communication, San Francisco, CA, Mar. 2009.
External Trainer, University of Memphis Writing Center. Invited by University of Memphis to assist with planning and implementing a new writing center. Summer 2014.
Organizer and director. Chippewa Valley Composition Retreat. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Daylong retreat for area high school English and Social Studies instructors. Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016.
Developer (web and Zotero), IWCA SIG on Antiracism Activism Annotation Project. 2014-2017.
Developer (HTML and jQuery), homepage for artist, writer, and humorist Jason Torchinsky,, 2014.
Developer, OnlineWC/ website. OnlineWC project. (now defunct). 2011-2012.
Designer and developer, Communication Across the Curriculum website. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 2010.
Designer and administrator, University Writing Center website and online writing center. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 2005-2012.
Thesis advisor for William Foy, English Department, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2014-2017.
Member of thesis committee for Andrew Suralski, English Department, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2014.
External reader of thesis for Nicholas Freitag, History Department, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2013.
Advisor to 10 English Education and Rhetorics of Science, Technology, and Culture majors, English Department, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2013-2017.
Board member (2012-2016) and chair (2014-2015) of the Midwest Writing Centers Association.
Led multistate writing center professional organization, assisted in modernization of bylaws, and helped organize and present two regional academic conferences.
Member, Digital Literacy Position Search Committee, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Fall 2014.
Worked with English and Library faculty to interview potential new faculty members.
Leader, Community of Practice on Plagiarism-Detection Software, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Fall 2014.
Collaborated with Director of Composition to introduce faculty in multiple disciplines to research on plagiarism, patchwriting, and assignment design.
Presenter, "'This Just Got Real' Week: Student Services," Bluprint for a Blugold Program, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Fall 2014.
Met with first-year students to present information on multimodal composition.
Orientation Advisor, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Fall 2014.
Worked with undergraduate advising staff during on-campus orientation events.
Presenter, Blugold Seminar Faculty Training, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2014.
Assisted with weeklong orientation for new first-year composition instructors.
Presenter, "Training Series for Supervisors of Student Employees: Nuts and Bolts," University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2014.
Developed and presented materials on the pedagogical value of student employment and strategies for improving the educational effect of on-campus work.
Participant, Liberal Education Pilot Group, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Spring 2014.
Participated in program to test assessment tools and rubrics for writing outcomes.
Member, Information Literacy Project, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2014.
Worked with English and Library faculty to investigate student information literacy.
Nursing Writing Support Program, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2013-2017.
In collaboration with the university's Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, held regular, intensive meetings with nursing faculty to support writing projects.
Advisor, The Foreword, English Department blog and newsletter, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2013-2017.
Coordinate student-created departmental newsletter, including Wordpress-based content and MailChimp communication.
Rhetorics of Science, Technology, and Culture Major/Minor Faculty Committee, English Department, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2012-2017 (member), 2015-2016 (chair).
Collaborated with other faculty on redesigning the Sci-Tech Writing emphasis to better integrate rhetorical study and a broader course offering. Coordinated outreach to non-English departments engaged with scientific and technical writing work.
Director, Faculty Writing Support Program, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2012-2017.
Direct and facilitate ongoing project of support for faculty, staff, and graduate students. Organize and lead regular writing retreats, meet one-on-one with writers to offer feedback on their research and writing, and develop individual writing plans.
Ad Hoc Assessment Committee, English Department, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2012-2014.
Assisted with documenting the English Department's ongoing engagement with outcomes-based liberal education and with revising student learning outcomes for our major and minor degree programs.
Information Literacy Committee, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Libraries, 2010-2011.
Collaborated with faculty, librarians, and graduate students as part of ongoing initiative to promote student and faculty information literacy on campus.
Communication Across the Curriculum Review Committee, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2010.
Represented graduate student instructors and provided feedback on the committee's response to a program review.
Composition Committee, English Department, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2008-2009.
Graduate student member. Contributed to the creation of new program-wide standards for Composition I and Composition II.
English Graduate Student Association, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2008-2009.
Board member. Served as liaison between faculty members and graduate community and assisted with the formation of UNCG's graduate English studies conference.
English Department Newsletter, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2007-2009.
Co-editor. Created an Adobe InDesign template, assigned and managed writers and photographers, and designed the final publication.
University Writing Center, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2006-2012.
Technology coordinator. Maintained computers in the center and administered the center's website, online writing center tools, and social media presence.
Mac OS, Windows, BSD UNIX, and Linux.
HTML/HTML5, XML/TEI Lite, JavaScript (including jQuery), PHP, Perl, basic Python, basic SQL, TeX.
Experienced with a wide variety of word processing, page layout, Web development, online learning, course management, and HTML Help development programs, including Canvas, Blackboard, Desire2Learn, WCOnline, TutorTrac, MediaWiki, Drupal, Wordpress, VideoScribe, Elluminate Live!, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Access, QuarkXPress, oXygen, BBEdit, FileMaker Pro, MySQL, eHelp RoboHelp, Quadralay WebWorks, and Adobe Photoshop, FrameMaker, Flash, Illustrator, InDesign, and Dreamweaver.
Nancy Myers, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of English
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Moore Humanities and Research Administration Building
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
336/334-3974 |
Sara Littlejohn, PhD.
Program Chair, Ashby College & Strong College
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
124 Mary Foust Residence Hall
301 College Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27412
336/334-5915 |
Muriel Harris, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, founder of the Purdue OWL, and Founding Editor of WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship
Purdue University
610 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907
765-494-4600 |
Carmen Manning, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Education and Human Science
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
105 Garfield Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
715/836-3264 |
Shevaun Watson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of English
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413
414/229-4511 |