Writing samples

Norton Internet Security 2003
User manual for major security software firm.
Maintained user manual for three product cycles. Worked closely with product team, other writers, customer support, and translation team. Researched and wrote walkthroughs and other instructional and background information. Created HTML Help shell that automatically integrated all Symantec consumer products' help content into a unified help system.

Norton Personal Firewall 2004
User manual for major security software firm.
Maintained user manual for three product cycles. Worked closely with multiple product teams to create text that could be integrated into larger security suites and repurposed for corporate clients. Assisted with redesign of user interface and conversion to HTML-based UI.

Technê Rhêtorikê
Guide to rhetoric, academic discourse, and college writing.
Served as one of three editors responsible for the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 editions of UNCG's rhetoric textbook. Assigned essay topics, worked with writers on developing and revising text, proofed the text, and laid out the completed text.

The University Writing Center
Web development, 2005-present.
Assisted the director and assistant director in creating online writing center. Researched consultation models, assessed distance-learning and online consultation tools, adapted existing and created new software, redesigned the website, and implemented a synchronous chat-based consultation system.

Communication Across the Curriculum
Redesign of large website, 2010-2011.
Redesigned a large site, which entailed working closely with stakeholders, identifying the needs of three distinct audiences, developing a more usable organization, reorganizing the content, and reworking pages to allow them to be easily updated by non-technical administrative staff.

Jason Torchinsky
JavaScript/DHTML support for artist's website, 2011.
Working closely with artist to create interactive HTML5 website using jQuery, CSS3, and PHP.